Ishtiaque Ahmed
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Room: 5262, 40 Saint George St, Toronto, ON M5S 2E4
Email: ishtiaque [at] cs [dot] toronto [dot] edu
[CV] [Google Scholar] [DBLP] [ORCID] [Calendar]

* Aug '24: Keynote at PDC'24
* June '24: Tenured and Promoted to Associate Professor!
* May '24: Named the "Future Leader" by the Computing Research Association (CRA)!!
* Apr '24: CHI Best Paper Award!!
* Apr '24: CHI Best Paper Honorable Mention Award!!
* Apr '24: Keynote at 'Cultures of Datafication In and Across South Asia' workshop at UPenn
* Mar '24: Paper accepted at FaccT '24! Topic: Faith-based ethics in content moderation
* Mar '24: Paper accepted at CSCW '24! Topic: marginalization of religious minorities
* Mar '24: Co-organizing Workshop on Reliable Evaluation of LLMs (REAL-Info) at ICWSM '24
* Jan '24: Co-organized the Fairness-ChatGPT workshop at the Data Sciences Institute, UofT
* Jan '24: Microsoft AI & Society Fellowship!
* Jan '24: Seven papers accepted at CHI '24!
* Oct '23: Google Research Award for Inclusion! [news]
* July '23: Connaught Scholarship!
* July '23: Data Sciences Institute Catalyst Grant [news]
* July '23: Data Sciences Institute Emergent Data Sciences Program Grant
* July '23: Institute of Pandemics Catalyst Grant
* July '23: Two papers accepted to COMPASS' 23
* Jun '23: Panel Discussion at "Absolutely Interdisciplinary" conference
* Mar '23: Became a Father of a beautiful son!!
* Mar '22: Talk at UofT Moral Code hackathon
* Feb '22: Talk at UofT Ethical Principles in AI Team [Link]
* Feb '22: Interview with Canada School of Public Service
* Jan '22: Talk at SRI! [Link]
* Jan '22: Talk at CHIWORK! [Link]
* Nov '21: Facebook Research Award on Digital Privacy!
* Oct '21: Two new papers accepted to CSCW '22!
* Sept '21: Appointed as a Faculty Fellow at SRI!
* July '21: Appointed as a Senior Fellow at Massey College!
* May '21: Four papers accepted to ACM COMPASS!
* May '21: Interview on Global Misinformation at Guelph University Social Justice Alliance [Link]
* Mar '21: CHI Best Paper Honorable Mention Award for "Unmochon" [paper]
* Mar '21: Interaction article of designing with internally displaced people published [Link]
* Feb -Mar '21: Talk "Design for Voice"
at University of Washington (DUB Seminar)
at University of Maryland at Baltimore (Invited Speaker Series)
at Stanford Computer Science (HCI Seminar)
* Jan '21: Talk "Whose Ethics? Whose Intelligence?" at the Centre of Ethics of UofT
* Dec '20: Will be serving as the HCI Track Chair for COMPASS2021
* Dec '20: Two Papers accepted to CSCW 2021
* Dec '20: Three Papers accepted to CHI 2021
* Oct '20: Awarded Google exploreCSR grant for supporting students from marginalized communities
* Oct '20: Talk at Google on "The Future of Work in the Global South"
* Sep '20: Interaction blog on COVID-19 and local faith published [Link]
* Aug '20: Three papers accepted to CSCW2020!
* July '20: Become a Faculty affiliate at Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society
* July '20: The co-edited journal issue of IJIDI on forced migration is out now!
* July '20: We are organizing a virtual mini-CHI with HCI4D papers of CHI2020
* May '20: We got 1 paper and 1 note accepted to ACM COMPASS 2020!
* Apr '20: Our proposal on reducing stigma around COVID-19 got funded by CIHR!
* Apr '20: Our proposal on protecting the heritage of immigrants got funded by SSHRC NFRF!
* Mar '20: Both of our papers got Best Paper Honorable Mention Awards in CHI 2020!
* Dec '19: CHI Workshop proposal on IslamiCHI is accepted. Details here.
* Nov '19: Diversity and Inclusion Award, ACM CSCW 2019
* Sept'19: Awarded IIE Centennial Fellowship (1 of 4 awardees across the globe)
* Sept'19: SSHRC PEG Grant (Ranked 1st among all proposals)